Background image |
As some other X windows Terminals aterm allows you to fill its background with
arbitrary image, instead of plain vanilla monocolor. You can use this feature in two ways -
aterm can load image from specifyed file, or it can use root background image.
You may say that the second thing is nothing but pseudo-transparency. Yes. But in fact
root background is treated as regular image, only loaded by AfterStep's asetroot,
Esetroot or any other Esetroot compatible image loader. What does that matter? -
you may ask. Here is the deal: aterm can perform different
transformations on
image, prior to displaying it, and as far as root background is treated as regular
image - you can do all this transformations on it as well, producing funky results.
- To load image from file into background:
- -pixmap image_file.xpm[:geometry]
- To use root background use:
- -tr -trtype true
- Examples:
- aterm -pixmap ~/mypixmaps/clouds.xpm -bg black -fg yellow
- aterm -tr -trtype true -bg black -fg yellow
"Fast" transparency |
"Fast" ransparency is the way to emulate transparency in window, by using standard X
tools. When doing so aterm's window background is set to be ParentRelative. That instructs X
server tu use the part of background image from parent window, that is exactly underneath of
our window, thus creating see-through effect.
Advantages :
- NO added resources usage.
- almost ZERO performance overhead.
Disadvantages :
- We have no control over background. We cannot change it at will, nor we can shade/tint it.
Partial workaround for tinting is implemented in aterm to fill window with color using
XOR combination of it with the background - it helps, but still is limited to few colors -
blue, red, green, yellow, magenta and cyan ( see more about tinting below).
- Some window managers ( KWM for instance ) tend to reparent application windows, and, god knows why,
they decide to set it's background to something bogus, instead of leaving it alone.
ATERM is trying to overcome it by changing background of such a parent to ParentRelative
from time to time, but that does not always work. Again we don't really worry about it,
as we designate ATERM mainly for AfterStep users :).
Credits :
- Even thou ParentRelative background is standard thing in X, Alfredo Kojima was the
first one (AFAIK) to come up with the idea of using it in terminal for pseudo-transparency.
Let's praise him for that !
- Hehe, I (sashav) take complete credit for the idea of tinting ParentRealtive background with
XORed color.
Let's praise me for that ! :)))
- To use:
- -tr
Note : do not use -sh with that, or you'll get "Slow" transparency !.
- To use fast transparency with tinting :
- -tr -tint color
Note : good colors are: blue, red, green, yellow, magenta, cyan
- Examples:
- aterm -tr -bg black -fg yellow
- aterm -tr -tint blue -bg black -fg yellow
Note: it is a good idea to explicitely specify what background color you want,
as otherwise you may get unreadable text when selecting it.
"Slow" transparency |
- To use plain vanilla "Slow" transparency:
- -tr -trtype true
- If you use shading then "Slow" transparency will be used by default :
- -tr -sh < amount>
- Examples:
- aterm -tr -trtype true -bg black -fg yellow
- aterm -tr -sh50 -bg black -fg yellow
Background image transformations |
- To :
- - []
- To :
- -
- Examples:
- aterm - -bg black -fg yellow
- aterm - -bg black -fg yellow
Tinting |
- To :
- - []
- To :
- -
- Examples:
- aterm - -bg black -fg yellow
- aterm - -bg black -fg yellow
Shading |
- To :
- - []
- To :
- -
- Examples:
- aterm - -bg black -fg yellow
- aterm - -bg black -fg yellow
Transparent Scrollbars |
- To :
- - []
- To :
- -
- Examples:
- aterm - -bg black -fg yellow
- aterm - -bg black -fg yellow
Fading on Off-Focus |
- To :
- - []
- To :
- -
- Examples:
- aterm - -bg black -fg yellow
- aterm - -bg black -fg yellow
Optional JPEG and PNG support |
- To :
- - []
- To :
- -
- Examples:
- aterm - -bg black -fg yellow
- aterm - -bg black -fg yellow
Optional utilization of AfterStep imaging code |
- To :
- - []
- To :
- -
- Examples:
- aterm - -bg black -fg yellow
- aterm - -bg black -fg yellow
XORed text |
- To use:
- -txttype xor||||||
- Examples:
- aterm -txttype xor -bg black -fg yellow
- aterm -txttype and -bg black -fg yellow
It can order you a pizza, if you'll be kind to it. |
Pizzas could be with pepperoni, pork sausage, black olives and extra cheese.
More toppings will be added in the future releases.
- To order :
- -pizza peperoni|pork|olives|morecheese
- Examples:
- aterm -pizza olives
- aterm -pizza pork -bg black -fg yellow